Sunday 15 February 2015

How To Get Signed By Plus Size Modeling Agencies

Just because you're not a size 4 waif doesn't mean you can't have a rewarding and successful career as a model.

Here are three valuable tips to help you crack the ranks of the plus size modeling agencies and start to realize your dreams of becoming a plus size modelt today!

Plus Size Modeling Agencies Tip No.1: Personal Assessment

Are you one of those people who think being a plus size model is going to be a piece of cake. Well, think again. Getting repped by a plus size modeling agency can be just as ruthless and difficult as in the world of traditional modeling.
Take a look in the mirror and honestly answer the following questions: do you have a natural and beautiful look? Are you relatively tall? (This is very important for plus size models.) Do you have an unrelenting drive to reach your goals and won't be stopped by any temporary setback. If yes, then you can move on to....
Plus Size Modeling Agencies Tip No.2: Create a Portfolio
Some prospective plus size models think they need to spend thousands of dollars for a shiny and glossy portfolio to show off their talent. But this is simply not true.
What you need in a begginer portfolio: pictures that show off your natural beauty. Okay...but what the heck does that mean? No cheesy shots in front of the fireplace; nothing too fake or artificial. Just some quality shots showing off your simple beauty without any posing.

So how many pics do you need? the very will need ONE facial close-up and ONE full body shot. (Be sure to wear natural clothing you feel comfortable in.) Having that much will be sure to get you off to a good start.

Plus Size Modeling Agencies Tip No.3: First Contact
So you've got your portfolio ready. Now what? Well you find reputable modeling agencies who have plus size modeling divisoins.
Not sure what "reputable" means? Check with folks in the modeling biz to find out the reputations of prospective agencies you'd like to contact. (You'd be surprised what a small world the modeling universe actually is.)
Your next step is to call---please do not mail or fax, it's pointless--the agencies you've researched and see if they will schedule a "meet" with you.
When you arrive for your meet make sure to go semi-casual, and wear clthing that makes you look awesome, but comfy.
Additional Tip: Open calls can be another great way to get signed by an agency. Don't worry about the other models, just focus on yourself, be positive and you might be surprised what it can do for your career.